Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Replaced stem seals how long should it be before oil burns off exhaust as it is still smoking?

Drive the vehicle at a high RPM, (3000) preferably on the highway,(adequate air flow to prevent overheating) for at least 1 hour. You must create enough heat to burn off the oil deposits from the internal exhaust components.

禄禄禄Replaced stem seals how long should it be before oil burns off exhaust as it is still smoking?
Depending on how much oil has spilt, but it should only be a matter of minutes.

If it continues, wait for the motor to cool, spray some degreaser around and hose off.

Its possible that if it continues there is an oil leak coming from somewhere, possibly from your valve covers.Replaced stem seals how long should it be before oil burns off exhaust as it is still smoking?
As long as the seals are working should be soon.If it does not then you did something wrong.Good Luck.
only a few minutes maybe a hour of driving... if its longer than that try washing them down and if that dont get it you have a leak

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