I don't know. I thought she was too much of a homebody to do much clubbing.Does Sarah Palin tame her lovely locks with baby seal oil?
Uh uh. It's Super Hold Moose Pucky™.
I used it once in a pinch. Buhahaha. Ok. No I didn't.Does Sarah Palin tame her lovely locks with baby seal oil?
I bet you're for abortion, though. Save the baby seals, kill the human babies. Pitiful.
Creatrix - that was brilliant. No, really.
I thought she used petroleum from those new Alaskan drilling sites she allowed in.
Could be, but thanks for reminding me, I need to go pick up my deer permit today
I wonder if Obama's hair is naturally greasy
Yes she also uses Whale Blubber as a Skin Conditioner
Oh no, I don't think so. It looks quite nice though. I do believe it is a sexist question. Do you ask what Obama does with his hair? No
Wats da madda, You just fraid Sarah gonna kick your guys butt in the election, aintcha!!
it's an ancient Nanook secret, improved upon by Yukon Cornelius.
Does Michelle Obama tame her locks with baby human oil?
I guess she should just let them dread out and start singing Bob Marley tunes.
And for lotion she uses the tears of crying dolphins.
You gonna have to ask the wolf blitzer herself!
Sure its the latest fashion, now why aren't you in school?
she uses 10w-30
I just keep watching her thinking its Tina Fey...
Maybe, would you have the guts to ask her face to face?
haha... this is funny XD
Ummmmm, errrrr, ahhhhh, Thats above my pay grade.
no she uses th blood of the dead iraqis i think!
god i hope so.. that is hot
nah, I'm thinking it's a wig.
Yeah! They don't have Pantene products up there in the great north..And mouse = moose. Since I have my own lovely locks (I'm a vegetarian so I don't kill animals for personal use) I'm more envious of her polar bear fur lined snow booties. Wait does that make sense? Sorry I have more beauty than brains. I should run for VP!!!
lol @ td's...lol..lol...lol I have done my job well
ignorant sexism
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